Mittwoch, 13. März 2013

Progress... and a pattern

Hey guys!!

What are you doing??
I'm working on the birthday present for my mum... I had never thought that this shawl would be that much of work!! It's like it will never end...

I'm just halfway done and I have to finish it until friday... My fingers hurt :-(
Hopefully I can finish it in time...

Some of you asked me for the pattern of this shawl, so I started writing it...

knit = k
purl = p
increase = inc
decrease = dec

cast on 4 stitches
Beginning: k4
Next row: k1, inc between the first and second stitch, k3
1. row: k5
2. row: k5
3. row: k5
4. row: k1, inc between the first and second stitch, k 4
1. row: k6
2. row: k6
3. row: k6
4. row: k1, inc between the first and the second stitch, k 5

Increase always in the 4. row
Increase until you have 15 stitches on your needle (3 stitches for the border, each rib has 3 stitches, between the 3 ribs you purl one stitch and on the opposite of the border there is also one stitch)

1. row after increased the 15. stitch: k3, p3, k1, p3, k1, p3, k1
2. row: k4, p1, k3, p1, k6
3. row: k3, p3, k1, p3, k1, p3, k1
4. row: k1, inc between the first and the second stitch, then take the 3 knit stitches and the single purl stitch and put them on an extra needle. Put the needle in front of your work. Then knit the 3 knit stitches on your normal needle and one purl stitch. After that take the stitches from the extra needle and knit the 3 knit stitches and the single purl stitch. Then knit the last 6 stitches.

That was the first step of your cable wedge with 3 ribs.
Then go ahead:
1. row: k3, p3, k1, p3, k1, p3, k2
2. row: k5, p1, k3, p1, k6
3. row: k3, p3, k1, p3, k1, p3, k2
4. row: k1, inc between the first and second stitch, k4, then take the next 4 stitches (p1 + k3) on a extra needle and put that behind your work. Knit the next p1 and k3 stitches on your normal needle. Then knit the stitches of the extra needle (p1 + k3) and the last k3 stitches.

That's the second step of your cable wedge with 3 ribs.

Now you just have to repeat those two steps until your shawl is halfway done. Then you have to decrease at this points (always in the 4. row) where you before had increased.
Keep on doing this until you have again only 4 stitches on your needle. Fasten off and your shawl with a cable wedge is finished.

I tried to show you (with the help of Paint) what I mean when I say border or where the increasing is...
Hopefully with that pic it get's a little bit easier to understand what i mean...

I hope you can understand my pattern because this was the first time that I wrote one and the first time that I wrote it in english... So be a little patient with me :D

I also wish you a lot of fun with knitting your own shawl and of course I wish you a nice day!!

This post is linked to YarnAlong from Ginny (

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