Samstag, 16. März 2013

Finished project...

Hey everybody!!

How are you?? Everything fine??
I'm fine because yesterday I finished the shawl for my mum and I already gave it to her. She was very impressed by my work, I think she still doesn't know that I'm quite good in knitting and crochet... :D
She like's the shawl, although she think's that it is a little bit too thick and too warm for now... But as the weather in this season is unpredictable I think she will be very happy about it when it get's cold outside again.

This is the finished product... The shawl is about 140 cm long and 35 cm high. On the picture it look's smaller than it is...

This is the cable wedge in detail. I think it come's out really good... Especially because I did it with the stockinette stitch.

Lilo and Calimero like the shawl as well... :D

That's it for today...
I wish you a nice afternoon!!

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